My brother in law is selling his cabin in Seligman Arizona that is three and a half miles behind the Grand Canyon Caverns on Route 66, between Seligman and Peach Springs. Please call or text him at 928-219-1200 for more info.

There are porches with awnings on both sides of the main dwelling and it’s very nice on the inside. It is totally Self contained, including waste and power. On 40 Acres 1400 with 40 square feet – 1000 square feet of deck under roof 4000 gallons of water storage and it’s a 3 bedroom 2 bath rustic dwelling.

And there is plenty of room to grow – 40 acres worth of room to GROW!

Just think about it for a second… All that land for this low price. The possibilities are endless!
I have heard him talk for years about this cabin and all the work he has done

and the views! If you look in one direction you see this:

Then look the other way to see this:

And there’s more – below is the second building on the property!

Yes and there is Solar!

He has a complete waste treatment system in place and has made major improvements to the incoming roads and more.
Click here for more photos
I will add to this post and continue to update it, so keep checking back.
I know Robert has been getting a lot of offers. So, you better act fast if you want this nice getaway near Seligman Arizona in the good ol USA!
Why wait? CALL NOW!
For more info call or text
928 – 219 – 1200